Lazreport lazarus
Note: This package is deprecated, Cups for Lazarus is now integrated in Printers4Lazarus package which is included with Lazarus. --jesusrmx. Features. Lazarus provides a highly visual development environment for the creation of rich user interfaces, application logic, and other supporting code artifacts. Lazarus是基于FreePascal语言的、跨平台、免费、开源的开发工具,中国信息学奥赛选用开发工具。Lazarus中文社区是Lazarus官方认可. Note: Do not add directories of used Lazarus packages to this path. Otherwise FPC will rebuild the ppu files of the package and put them into your project directory. Habitualmente se da el caso de realizar un cierre ficticio para introducir asientos en el nuevo ejercicio, si este es nuestro caso veamos como proceder